What could possibly be the connection? The first step is to understand personality traits. These tend to be lifelong and not amenable to psychotherapy of psychotropic medications.
These are grouped as clusters but keep in mind that one size doesn’t fit all:
Cluster A traits include paranoid and schizoid.
Cluster B traits are histrionic, antisocial, narcissistic, impulsive, and emotionally unstable.
Cluster C traits tend to be anxious, obsessive-compulsive, and dependent.
A new study tried to predict which chronic migraine patients tend to be Botox non-responders. The investigators found that dependent traits (passivity and emotional overdependence on others) and emotional instability traits (impulsivity and disturbed self-image) were more common among non-responders.
The single best predictor was a dependent personality which may also be part of the proposed chronic pain personality. Early detection could improve management of chronic migraine patients. Perhaps avoiding a trial of Botox in this group could reduce costs and prevent delays in treatment effect.
See the article by Gonzalez-Martinez in Headache, 2020.
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