In this strange Covid-19 world, we all worry if the upcoming vaccine will be safe. The story of vaccines and Alzheimer’s is instructive.
Dr Hugh Fudenberg, whose license was revoked in 1995, claimed that the flu vaccine increases the risk of Alzheimer’s. Two new studies, presented at the 2020 Alzheimer’s international conference, demonstrate that, in fact, vaccines are protective.
One study from the University of Texas, consisting of 9000 seniors, found that one lifetime flu vaccine reduced Alzheimer’s risk by 17% and two or more by 30%.
The second study from Duke looked at 5,000 people 65 years or older who received the pneumonia vaccine at least once before age 75. Their risk of Alzheimer’s was 25-30% lower.
Why should this be so? The reason may be that recurrent respiratory infections in the elderly may cause delirium which often does not resolve fully and reduces brain reserve.
Protect yourself and get recommended vaccinations.
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